Adelaide Inner South & East – e2 Young Engineers Australia


What will the workplace look like 15 years from now? Will there be mass job losses or skills shortages? Nobody can be sure of the future but one thing is certain: the rate of change is accelerating. YE@Work is all about bridging the gap between today’s workplace and tomorrow’s workforce (our children). There are numerous exciting initiatives we will be launching later this year.

Benefits for businesses participating in YE@Work initiatives:

  • Inspire kids with fun, creative & educational Lego-inspired STEM activities
  • Give kids an understanding of what happens in the workplace
  • Reduce the amount of annual leave taken during school holidays.
  • Promote wellbeing & work-life balance.
  • Celebrate your family-friendly workplace culture
  • Encourage socialisation among employees and their children
  • Feel good that you’re making a difference to the next generation of leaders & problem solvers

More details will be available at the official launch of YE@Work in April 2021.